JEE Advanced Cut-Off



JEE Advanced 2023 exam schedule has not been announced yet by the authorities. While appearing for an exam like JEE Advanced, students generally get worried and anxious about whether they will make it to their preferred college or not. To avoid all these obstacles, A2Z DOCTORS has provided JEE Advanced 2023 sample papers to help students boost their confidence.

JEE Advanced 2023 Sample Papers- Benefits

Solving JEE Advanced 2023 Sample Papers can be quite beneficial for students willing to score good marks in the upcoming exam in 2023. Provided below are the benefits of solving JEE Advanced Sample Papers 2023:

1. By solving the JEE Advanced sample papers, a student can assess his/her JEE Advanced 2023 preparation. 
2. Sample papers help candidates to understand the pattern of question paper, types of questions, and the areas for improvement. 
3. It also clears doubts before a candidate appears for the exam.
4. Solving the JEE Advanced sample papers will allow aspirants to improve their performance, build self-confidence and stand out from the crowd with flying colors.
5. The sample paper will help the students to get a better understanding of the different ways of solving a problem and its marking scheme. 

Sample Papers- How to Attempt?

·         Be time specific while solving practice papers.

·         Try different strategies to be robust for the JEE Advanced papers.

·         Choosing which sample papers to solve or practice is an important task.

·         Although there are two types of sample papers: Part Syllabus and fully syllabus papers, choose according. But please make sure you complete studying the whole syllabus before you sit to solve the sample papers.


Sample Papers-Useful Tips

1. Practice the JEE Advanced sample papers along with OMR sheets. This will help in a better understanding of the exam.
2. A student should stick to 3 hours and try to solve within that time limit. This will help him/her manage time.
3. Candidates need to follow all the rules mentioned in the exam while solving JEE advanced sample papers at home. 
4. The best part of solving sample papers is that he/she can easily compare their answers with the given solution. This will help him/her know whether they are prepared for the exam. 
5. Above all, a candidate must remember that he/she needs to complete the syllabus thoroughly before solving the JEE advanced sample papers.


Mock Tests

Sample Papers

Mock Test Paper 1 & Paper 2



Mock Tests

Sample Papers

Answer Solutions


Mock Test 1




Mock Test 2




Mock Test 3




Frequently Asked Questions About JEE Advanced Sample Papers

Q1: Is there any negative marking in the JEE Advanced Exam?
A. Yes. For one or more negative answers, it’s -1. In case a question is left un-attempted, no marks will be deducted. 

Q2: Is JEE Advanced tougher than JEE Main?
A. JEE Advanced is tougher than the Main examination as it includes many topics, excluding the topics that are in class 11th and 12th. You can join our JEE Crash Course 2023 to improve your chance of getting admission into IITs.

Q3: Where will a candidate get JEE Advanced sample papers?
 JEE Advanced sample paper can be downloaded through A2Z DOCTORS website and get a real-time experience about the exam pattern and type of questions